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Mortgages with No Closing Costs

Understanding the Benefits of Mortgages with No Closing Costs When buying a home in Raleigh, NC, understanding your options is crucial. One often-overlooked choice in the mortgage landscape is the no closing cost mortgage. This type of mortgage can simplify…

Navigating the Closing and Post-Closing Milestones

The Home Stretch: Navigating the Closing and Post-Closing Milestones in Your Homebuying Journey You’ve been waiting for the right moment to get the keys to your new home. You’ve worked hard, saved diligently for a down payment, and maintained a…

Unlock Your Path to Homeownership with Certified Home Loans!

Unlock Your Path to Homeownership with Certified Home Loans! Embarking on the journey to homeownership in North Carolina is a significant milestone, filled with excitement and anticipation. However, amidst the thrill of house hunting and envisioning your dream home, it’s…

How to Finance Closing Costs When Buying or Refinancing Your Home

How to Finance Closing Costs When Buying or Refinancing Your Home Closing costs can run into thousands of dollars and are often needed upfront to finalize a home purchase or refinance deal. The down payment alone can empty your life savings, meaning…

Are There Any Extras Included when I Buy Real Estate?

You’ve hashed out the details of buying a home. From price per square foot to insurance premiums, you know exactly what you’re getting and what it will cost. But what about that awesome pool table in the basement? The current…

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